A gender perspective on the impact of flood on the food security of households in rural communities of Anambra state, Nigeria

Submitted by Nnaemeka Chukwuone on
EfD Authors:

This research examined gender perspectives of the implications of the severe 2012 flood on household food security in rural Anambra state, Nigeria. Two hundred and forty flood-affected migrant households, made up of 120 maleheaded households (MHHs) and 120 female-headed households (FHHs) in four rural local government areas (LGAs) were interviewed using a questionnaire. In addition, 12 focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted in the LGAs. Data analysis was by descriptive statistics, use of a food security index, and binary logistic regression.


Women in the Economy Workshop 2020

Workshop Summary : As the world adjusts to the new reality brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, the workspaces of the future may look very different from what they are today. How would these changes…

Date: Thursday 5 March — Saturday 7 March, 2020
Location: Indian Statistical Institute

Women in the Economy Workshop 2019

Organized by ISI with the support of IWWAGE The annual workshop to study the role of women in the economy was conducted by ISI in collaboration with the The Initiative for What Works to Advance Women…

Date: Thursday 28 March — Saturday 30 March, 2019
Location: Indian Statistical Institute

Why are fewer married women joining the work force in rural India? A decomposition analysis over two decades

Submitted by Vidisha Chowdhury on

In contrast with global trends, India has witnessed a secular decline in women’s employment rates over the past few decades. We investigate this decline in rural areas, where the majority of Indian women reside. Using parametric and semi-parametric decomposition techniques, we show that changes in individual and household attributes fully account for the fall in women’s labor force participation in 1987–1999 and account for more than half of the decline in 1999–2011.


Editorial Introduction to Special Issue on “Gender, Family and Development”

Submitted by Vidisha Chowdhury on
EfD Authors:

This special issue on gender comprises articles from four different country settings: Sierra Leone, Senegal, Bangladesh, and Albania. Each uses large secondary data sets to explore how changing market and institutional environments affect gender attitudes and outcomes. In spite of the many historical and contemporary differences in these four economies, we see common difficulties in achieving gender equality.
