How Can African Agriculture Adapt to Climate Change? A Counterfactual Analysis from Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The authors analyze the impact of different adaptation strategies on crop net revenues in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia and they estimate a multinomial endogenous switching regression model of climate change adaptation and crop net revenues and implement a counterfactual analysis.

Agriculture, Climate Change

Adoption of Multiple Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Rural Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The adoption and diffusion of sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs) has become an important issue in the development-policy agenda for sub-Saharan Africa, especially as a way to tackle land degradation, low agricultural productivity and poverty. However, the adoption rates of SAPs remain below expected levels.


Who Should Bear the Administrative Costs of an Emissions Tax

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

All environmental policies involve costs of implementation and management that are distinct from pollution sources’ abatement costs. In practice, regulators and sources usually share these administrative costs. We examine theoretically an optimal policy consisting of an emissions tax and the distribution of administrative costs between the government and regulated sources of pollution. Our focus is on the optimal distribution of administrative costs between polluters and the government and the optimal level of the emissions tax in relation to marginal pollution damage.

Carbon Pricing, Policy Design

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth—A multiple country test of an oath script

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Hypothetical bias is one of the main issues bedeviling the field of nonmarket valuation. The general criticism is that survey responses reflect how people would like to behave, rather than how they actually behave. In our study of climate change and carbon emissions reductions, based on the increasing bulk of evidence from psychology and economics regarding the effects of making promises, we investigate the effect of an oath script in a contingent valuation survey.

Climate Change

The Impact of Kinship Networks on the Adoption of Risk-Mitigating Strategies in Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The adoption of certain farm management practices, such as tree planting and soil and water conservation, can reduce exposure to weather shocks. However, in many countries the adoption of such risk mitigating measures is far from complete.


Water Resources Planning under Climate Change A “Real Options” Application to Investment Planning in the Blue Nile

Submitted by admin on
EfD Authors:

This article develops a “real options” approach for planning new water resources infrastructure investments and their operating strategies in a world of climate change uncertainty. The approach is illustrated with an example: investments in large new multipurpose dam alternatives along the Blue Nile in Ethiopia.

Climate Change, Policy Design