Does Traffic Congestion pose Health Hazards? Evidence from a Highly Congested and Polluted City

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  • Nearly 5000 deaths per year in Delhi can be attributed to traffic congestion.
  • Increased traffic congestion worsens air quality. The worsening is greater when congestion is already at a high level.
  • A congestion charge on large private vehicles can offer large benefits with minimal disruption to the existing status quo.
Air Quality, Health, Land, Policy Design

How can organisations in developing countries support waste pickers for increased recycling in low-income communities? A South African product responsibility organisation uses subsidies and administrative support in a business model approach

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Key Points 

  • Recycling can be promoted in low-income communities through a business model framework 
  • Business models for recycling efforts in low-income communities need financial and administrative support for sustainability in the short to medium term. 
  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to such a business model framework. The model must be adapted to fit the community’s needs 

Infrastructure – brief actionable research agenda

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Infrastructure, both hard (Transport) and soft (Digital), are considered catalysts of economic growth. The provision for low-carbon infrastructure, in light of public-private partnerships, is part of a larger initiative to identify the most promising research issues to support an actionable low-carbon transition in the Global South. 

Policy Design, Urban