The Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Temperature Extremes on Birth Outcomes: The Case of China

Submitted by Hang Yin on
EfD Authors:

This paper investigates the effects of prenatal exposure to extreme temperatures on birth outcomes—specifically, the log of birth weight and an indicator for low birth weight—using a nationally representative dataset on rural China. During the time period we examine (1991–2000), indoor air conditioning was not widely available and migration was limited, allowing us to address identification issues endemic in the climate change literature related to adaptation and location sorting. We find substantial heterogeneity in the effects of extreme temperature exposure on birth outcomes.

Climate Change, Health

Effects of Small-Scale Agricultural Crop Commercialisation on Rural Household Welfare in Tanzania: A Case Study of Liwale District, Lindi Region

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on
EfD Authors:

This study aimed at examining the effect of crop commercialisation on rural households’ poverty in Tanzania. The household survey data was collected from a sample of 389 rural households. Commercialisation index was used to estimate the level of household crop commercialisation.

Does Areas of Child Residence and Consumption of Child Health Inputs Matter? An Analysis of Child Health Care Inequality in Tanzania

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on
EfD Authors:


This study examines inequalities in child health with focus on inequalities in in areas of child residence as well as inequalities in other health input variables that affect child health such as the use of vaccination services, vitamin A supplementation and
breastfeeding of children on child health.


Political distrust and the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria

Submitted by Agha Inya on
EfD Authors:

While studies have explored how health sector corruption, weak healthcare system, large-scale immune compromised population, misinformation and prevalence of highly congested slums contribute to the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria, they have glossed over the impact of political distrust on the spread of the virus. This study explores the impact of political distrust on the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria.

Covid-19, Health