Two EfD centers collaborate on a fisheries management plan for Nigeria
EfD Ghana and EfD Nigeria collaborate in a joint project that transfers knowledge and best practices from Ghana to Nigeria, leading to the development and implementation of Nigeria’s first fisheries
Training and technical support on adaptation to salinity intrusion could enhance food security
Research questions: How does salinity intrusion affect agricultural production and food security and how are male and female farmers different in those impacts? Key Messages
Implementation of graduation programs for alleviating rural poverty: an impact analysis in Paraguay.
Is mango farming sustainable? An integrated analysis of remote sensing techniques and smallholder farmers’ perception in mango farming communities in Ghana
In sub-Sahara Africa, sustainable agricultural sector has been trumpeted as the surest way for livelihood transformation through poverty reduction and ensuring food and nutritional security. Using mango farming as a case study, the paper determines how sustainable agriculture can be achieved by examining the environmental, social and economic impacts of mango farms in a rural setting. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to collect primary data from 400 respondents from the Shai Osu-Doku and Yilo-Krobo Districts of the Greater Accra and Eastern Regions respectively of Ghana.
Central Bank Independence, Inflation, and Poverty in Africa
This article discusses the extent to which central bank independence (CBI) can be used to mitigate the regressive nature of inflation. Using 44 Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries from the period 1970–2012, the article first examines whether CBI has any influence on inflation by distinguishing between legal independence and governor turnover rates. The evidence shows that CBI helps control inflation, and that inflation generally reduces poverty, and this effect is even stronger, in an environment of low CBI.JEL Codes: E02, E58, E31, I32
Escaped or Trapped? The Untold Story of Ghana’s Poverty Reduction
Ghana’s economic growth and poverty reduction have been remarkable in the past few decades. However, the pace of poverty reduction has decreased since 2013. In addition, there are large differences in poverty levels across regions and socio-economic groups. People living in rural areas,those in traditional farming, and low-productivity informal sectors are vulnerable to various shocks including climate shocks, job losses, etc. The COVID-19 pandemic has further worsened the situation.
Valuing Pollination as an Ecosystem Services: The Case of Hand Pollination for Cocoa Production in Ghana
The promotion of cocoa farm productivity has necessitated the intensification of input use with ensuing loss of natural pollinators. Ghana Cocoa Board’s (COCOBOD) remedy to declining pollinator population is addressed in the rolling out of hand pollination in the 2016/17 crop year. Applying contingent valuation on field data covering 608 farmers in five cocoa growing regions, we estimate the value of pollinator services to the cocoa industry in Ghana and farmers willingness to pay for the service.
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