Sorting through Affirmative Action: Three Field Experiments in Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on
EfD Authors:

The use of affirmative action policies to promote female employment remains debated. Do affirmative action policies attract female applicants, and does that come at the expense of deterring highly qualified male applicants? In three field experiments in Colombia, we compare job seekers who are informed of affirmative action selection criteria before they apply with those who are told after applying. We find that the gains in attracting female applicants far outweigh the losses in male applicants.


Organization performance with in-group and out-group leaders: an experiment

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on
EfD Authors:

In this paper, we compare the performance of a homogeneous organization in which group members and the leader belong to the same group, with a heterogeneous organization in which the leader is an outsider. Using a modified public goods game in which leaders’ performance in a real effort task determines the marginal return to the public good we focus on the effect of shared group membership on: i) the effort of the leader in the real effort task, ii) cooperation of group members and iii) group members’ payoffs.


Local response to global uncertainty: insights from experimental economics in small-scale fisheries.

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Global change has systematically increased uncertainty for people balancing short-term needs with long-term resource sustainability. Here, we aim to understand how uncertainty drives changes in human behavior and the underlying mechanisms mediating use of behavioral strategies. We utilize a novel behavioral approach – dynamic common-pool resource economic experiments in the field – and apply it to small-scale fisheries as a system that is particularly vulnerable to global change.

Experiments, Fisheries

Qualitative evaluation of the Poverty- Alleviation Program Produciendo por mi Futuro in Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Produciendo por Mi Futuro (PxMF) is a poverty-reduction intervention, implemented in Colombia
by Prosperidad Social, which is based on the graduation programs initially developed by the BRAC
Development  Institute  of  Bangladesh  and  later by  the  Ford  Foundation  in  eight  countries  
around  the  world.  Like  other  graduation  programs,  PxMF  seeks  the  integral  support  of  the  

Policy Design

Changes in subjective well-being, aspirations and expectations in participants of poverty alleviation programs: A qualitative analysis of Produciendo Por Mi Futuro in Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

This document presents the results of the qualitative analysis on the understanding of well-being
and  the  changes  in  life  satisfaction,  aspirations   and  expectations  in  the  participants  of  the  
Produciendo   por   mi   Futuro   program   in Colombia,   a   poverty-reduction   intervention   
implemented by Prosperidad Social, that is based on the graduation programs developed initially

Policy Design

Vulnerability of socio –ecological systems: A conceptual framework

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

The analysis of vulnerability of socio-ecological systems to threats of different types such as extreme climate events or change in land use draws attention to the factors and processes that determine whether the ecological, social and integrated socio-ecological systems are likely to experience harm due to exposure to the threat.


Cambios en bienestar subjetivo, aspiraciones y expectativas en participantes de programas de alivio a la pobreza: un análisis cualitativo de Produciendo por mi futuro en Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Este documento presenta los resultados del análisis cualitativo sobre la concepción de bienestar y los cambios en satisfacción de vida, aspiraciones y expectativas en los participantes del programa Produciendo por Mi Futuro en Colombia, una intervención de alivio a la pobreza que implementó Prosperidad Social y que tiene su sustento en los programas de graduación desarrollados inicialmente por el BRAC Development Institute de Bangladesh. El análisis cualitativo se llevó a cabo utilizando el método biográfico denominado Historias de Vida.

Policy Design

The demand for air quality: evidence from the housing market in Bogotá, Colombia

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Identifying a demand function for air quality is a key input to calculate welfare measurements of pollution abatement policies. We defined intra-urban housing submarkets to apply a Second Stage hedonic pricing model that allowed us to identify an inverse demand function for PM10 reductions in Bogotá. The monthly benefits of compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standard (50 μg/m3 – annual average), and the far more stringent World Health Organization standard (20 μg/m3 – annual average) are valued at US$12.16 and US$189.64 per household, respectively.

Policy Design, Air Quality