How South Korea Did It: Korean Experiences in Industrialization

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

This is a chapter in the book entitled ‘How can Tanzania move from poverty to prosperity?’

The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar es Salaam Mwalimu Nyerere Chair on Development. More recently, it has been driven by the fact that, despite making some progress, the country continues to struggle in the seemingly never-ending cycle of poverty, disease, aid dependency, the dearth of infrastructure and corruption. These are challenges that policy-makers and the government grapple with day in day out

Policy Design

How can Tanzania move from poverty to prosperity?

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar es Salaam Mwalimu Nyerere Chair on Development. More recently, it has been driven by the fact that, despite making some progress, the country continues to struggle in the seemingly never-ending cycle of poverty, disease, aid dependency, the dearth of infrastructure and corruption. These are challenges that policy-makers and the government grapple with day in day out.

Policy Design

Advancing Comparative Climate Change Politics: Theory and Method

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Central to this special issue is the notion that the methods and conceptual tools of comparative politics can improve our understanding of global climate change politics. Building on recent advancements in the field of comparative environmental politics, the special issues offers a more comprehensive treatment of climate change politics in developed countries, emerging economies and least developed countries.

Climate Change, Policy Design

Assessing Gender Inequality in Food Security amongst Small-holder Farm Households in urban and rural South Africa

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

With the ongoing changes in climate, household food insecurity is likely to be more widespread in most small-holder and subsistence farm households in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the existence and extent of gendered household food security—or lack thereof—remains unclear.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Gender

EfD Annual Report 2015/2016

Submitted by admin on

Read about what  EfD centers around the world have been up to during the last year in terms of research highlights and how our research relate to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Find out more about our collaborative research programs and get to know our broad work with policy interaction at all levels as well as what has been done in academic training. There are three new EfD centers on the doorstep, so a peek into the future as well. This report is a joint effort with many authors and contributors.