Fuel Taxes and the Poor

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Fuel Taxes and the Poor challenges the conventional wisdom that gasoline taxation, an important and much-debated instrument of climate policy, has a disproportionately detrimental effect on poor people.

Fuel Taxes and the Poor, The Distributional Effects of Gasoline Taxation and Their Implications for Climate Policy. Edited By Thomas Sterner. Published by RFF Press with Environment for Development initiative.

Climate Change, Policy Design

EfD Tanzania Center Report 2010

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This report presents EfD Tanzania, its members and work during 2010. For a free hardcopy, please send an email to: info@efdinitiative.org

The Tanzanian node of the Environment for Development initiative is based at:
Economics Department, University of Dar es Salaam
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Coordinator: Dr Razack Lokina
Emai: razack_lokina@yahoo.co.uk