Women economics' empowerment as a prerequisite to reaching food security and nutrition outcomes: Evidence from Central America

Start date

This project is starting in 2020, having as the primary goal to support gender sensitivity policy design and implementation by providing policymakers and project managers with sound evidence about about the importance of advancing women empowerment as a mediator to improve food security and nutrition outcomes at the household level. 

This project was decided to be developed because multiple studies show that targeted agricultural programs can affect nutrition through several pathways. However, despite the pathway, all coincide that women participation in decision-making, and education - especially nutrition education - are key mediators between agriculture inputs, intrahousehold resource allocation, and child nutrition. 

The participation of women in decision-making is fundamental to improve nutrition outcomes for the families (including children) and to the effectiveness of agriculture interventions. However, women in different regions, for example, in Central America, continue being disempowered. This is why this research is relevant, because it will advance the literature linking women's empowerment to food security and nutrition. 

Project status
Sustainable Development Goals
Project | 12 May 2020