Displaying 451 - 460 of 3643 publications

Agricultural commercialization has been promoted as a pathway for enhancing household welfare in developing countries. This paper assesses the extent and determinants of commercialization among…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

According to the inclusive green economy (IGE) model, no one should be left out of the green economy revolution. To support an IGE approach, the Tanzanian government must develop policies to support…

| Research Brief | Tanzania

We are living in a crisis era, with competing land use for finite land and ill-informed myopic urban land-use policies that remain stagnant, in a world with a rapidly changing urban environment, such…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Tanzania

Understanding spatio-temporal land use land cover change is vital in responding to the dynamic and complex global environmental change that is having diverse effects on integrity of most...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

Abstract Rising evidence over the years reveal that reduction in greenhouse gases emission and adaptation to climate change effects have been unable to resolve the issue of climate change impacts…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Abstract This paper evaluates whether the devolution reform of forestland to household management improves allocative efficiency and household welfare through participation in forestland rental…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Abstract In this paper, we analyse the relationship between Chinese import competition and gendered labor market outcomes within the context of a developing country. To do this, we merge a rich…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

In this paper, we analyse the relationship between Chinese import competition and gendered labor market outcomes within the context of a developing country. To do this, we merge a rich manufacturing...

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

This study investigates the effectiveness of sustainability labels, environmental attitudes, food safety concerns, and knowledge on Vietnamese consumer preferences for sustainably farmed shrimp. Mixed…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam