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Displaying 231 - 240 of 1098 publications

The chapter by Shoibal Chakravarty and E. Somonathan focuses on coal, which accounts for a whopping 64% of India’s CO2 emissions in 2021. Since coal combustion also releases other deadly pollutants…

| Book Chapter | India

Subsidies are part of the set of management tools that governments apply to modernize their fishing fleets and enable them to engage in offshore and international fisheries. Research has shown that…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Abstract Urban green spaces increase population wellbeing because they provide for recreational possibilities, as well as with many other benefits that are not related with direct use, like air…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

Abstract In most developing economies, agriculture sector is dominated by smallholder farmers who are faced with unstable crop output and income due to dependency on unpredictable weather and market…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

The climate targets agreed upon in the Paris Agreement will eventually need to be backed by ambitious climate policies. Putting a price on carbon and abolishing subsidies on fossil fuels is usually…

| Peer Reviewed |

Are COVID-19 spread and mortality related to different countries’ government mobility restriction policies, democratic institutions, and cultural norms? Leveraging data from 140 countries, we find…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This study aims to establish the linkage among export tax rebate (ETR), firm innovation and product quality of Chinese agricultural product processing industry (APPI), so that more targeted policy…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Introduction South Africa has the dubious distinction of having amongst the highest rates of unemployment and inequality in the world. It is also one of the most emissions-intensive economies…

| Policy Brief | South Africa

La guía busca difundir el enfoque de economía circular y proveer, tanto a los gobiernos locales de Costa Rica, como a otros actores del ámbito local, las pautas sobre cómo materializar su interés de...

| Other Publications | Central America

Briefing highlights – Analyzing policy attitudes is important for understanding environmental policy feasibility. – Pure self-interest is not sufficient to explain people’s policy positions. There are…

| Policy Brief | Sweden