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Displaying 11 - 20 of 43 publications

This IPBES methodological assessment of scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services has been carried out by experts from all regions of the world, who have performed an in-depth…

| Books | Kenya

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing humanity, and we are only starting to address it. Climate change scenarios indicate that poor people in developing countries will be particularly…

| Books | Central America, Global Hub

The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar es Salaam Mwalimu Nyerere Chair on Development. More recently, it has been driven by the…

| Books | Tanzania

Forest tenure reforms are occurring in many developing countries around the world. These reforms typically include devolution of forest lands to local people and communities, which has attracted a…

| Books | Tanzania, South Africa, China, Ethiopia, Kenya

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region is exceptionally biodiverse. It contains about half of the world's remaining tropical forests, nearly one-fifth of its coastal habitats, and some of its…

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This guidebook provides a step-by-step introduction to Targeted Scenario Analysis (TSA), an innovative analytical approach, developed by UNDP that captures and presents the value of ecosystem services…

| Books | Central America

This book is about land tenure policies from an international perspective. It adds on the first book published by Holden and Otsuka entitled The Emergence of Land Markets in Africa: Assessing the…

| Books | China, Sweden, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania

This book is a remarkable case study of an environmental policy initiative for a national environmental regulatory system in the information age. In 1995 the Indonesian Ministry of Environment took…

| Books |

This book provides economic guidance on the matter through valuable comparisons of different estuaries. Given the overwhelming evidence available on the significance of freshwater inflow to estuary…

| Books | South Africa