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Displaying 11 - 20 of 328 publications

AbstractWe investigate the behavioural responses of natural common-pool resource users to three policy interventions—sanctioned quotas, information provisioning, and a combination of both. We focus on…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Global Hub

This research analyses the impact of retailer interventions focusing on the promotion of reusable bags to reduce plastic bag consumption. For this purpose, retail outlet data for March 2018–February…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

In order to achieve Agenda 2030, we need to get the economic incentives right and make sure to leave no one behind. In other words, we need a transformation towards an inclusive green economy. Such…

| Report | South Africa

The report provides a framework for ensuring that marine spatial planning (MSP) does not worsen poverty and gender inequality in developing countries, and that potentially marginalised groups are...

| Report | South Africa, Kenya, Global Hub

The report provides a framework for ensuring that marine spatial planning (MSP) does not worsen poverty and gender inequality in developing countries and that potentially marginalised groups are...

| Report | South Africa, Sweden, Kenya

South Africa, like most developing nations, is confronted with choosing between the need to advance their economy and the need to protect the environment. The United Nations Sustainable Development…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

We study distributional preferences in adolescent peer networks. Using incentivized choices between allocations for themselves and a passive agent, children are classified into efficiency-loving…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Sweden, Global Hub

Abstract We provide estimates of health priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic based on web-surveys administered in seven developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in 2022. Using the…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, India, Colombia, Nigeria, Vietnam, Tanzania, Kenya, Global Hub