Displaying 921 - 930 of 3650 publications

This paper measures the performance and efficiency dynamics of provincial water use by differentiating the long-run persistent efficiency from the short-run transient efficiency. We combine the…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

To assess the extent to which privatised extension service, which is premised to be demand-driven, delivers downward accountability to smallholder farmers who are both owners and users of...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Food insecurity is a major development challenge in developing countries. In Kenya, the food poverty incidence remains high, as about 1 in every 3 individuals does not meet the minimum daily calorific...

| Discussion Paper | Kenya

AbstractThe ocean, which regulates climate and supports vital ecosystem services, is crucial to our Earth system and livelihoods. Yet, it is threatened by anthropogenic pressures and climate change. A…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Abstract Education and knowledge have become the prerequisites for the growth and development of any economy or region. Knowledge is a liberator of individuals and societies from human poverty and is…

| Book Chapter, Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

Global climate is changing rapidly, and it is not clear if agricultural producers in developing countries will be able to adapt fast enough in order to mitigate its negative effects. In order to be…

| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub

Harnessing human capital and converting it into useful industrial processes can best be realized through competent management systems. However, without significant commitment from the upper management...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Hotter years have been routinely linked with reduced economic output in developing countries. New research shows that one reason is that people are less productive at work and more likely to be absent...

| Peer Reviewed | India