Displaying 3611 - 3620 of 3650 publications

Livelihoods in low-income developing countries are generally undiversified and focus on crop production and animal raising. These activities are inherently risky and investment and production…

| Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

This is a book chapter in Plantations, Privatization, Poverty and Power: Changing Ownership and Management of State Forests, edited by M. Garforth and J. Mayers. Earthscan: London.

| Books | China

In this study Kenya’s energy sector was overviewed for the period 1971-2004. The relation between total energy and total carbon dioxide emission was studied. Emissions of carbon dioxide from the…

| Discussion Paper | Kenya

Reform of the water and sanitation sector is occuring in many countries, and offers the potential to improve services to all. Of particular concern, however, is the sitation of the poor, and reform…

| Report |

This study measures the monetary value households place on preventing malaria in Tigray, Ethiopia. We estimate a household demand function for a hypothetical malaria vaccine and compute the value of…

| Peer Reviewed |

In the summer of 2005, we interviewed 996 randomly selected respondents in Beira, Mozambique concerning their willingness and ability to pay for cholera vaccine for themselves and for other household…

| Peer Reviewed |

Many economic analyses of immunization programmes focus on the benefits in terms of public-sector cost savings, but do not incorporate estimates of the private cost savings that individuals receive…

| Peer Reviewed |

Although it is well known that vaccines against many infectious diseases confer positive economic externalities via indirect protection, analysts have typically ignored possible herd protection…

| Peer Reviewed |

We believe a lack of transparency undermines both the credibility of, and interest in, stated choice studies among policy makers. Unlike articles reporting the results of contingent valuation studies…

| Peer Reviewed |