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Displaying 261 - 270 of 411 publications

The current share of sub-Saharan Africa in global carbon dioxide emissions is negligible compared to major contributors like Asia, Americas, and Europe. This trend is, however, likely to change given…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana, Global Hub

Adaptation Plan for the energy sector: participative methods for developing countries

| Other Publications | Colombia

The energy matrix is a useful tool for understanding the trends of production and consumption in a country and for evaluating long-term energy policies. This paper presents a behavioral simulation…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Deregulation in electricity markets has changed the conditions for maintaining long-term adequacy of supply. Particularly in the last decade, security of supply has become a major issue for…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

A number of mechanisms have been suggested for capacity adequacy. A study using laboratory experiments both of procurement of long-term strategic reserve contracting and of centralized auctioning for…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Small hydropower (SHP) has existed for more than a century in Colombia, and is gaining reserved interest as an option to mitigating climate change. In this paper we investigate the prospects for SHP…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

The use of small-scale off-grid renewable energy for rural electrification is now seen as part of the sustainable energy solutions. The expectation from such small-scale investment is that it can meet…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

The use of small-scale off-grid renewable energy for rural electrification is now seen as one sustainable energy solution. The expectations from such small-scale investment include meeting basic…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Kenya

Electrification, especially rural electrification (RE), is a core component of the Sustainable Development Goals and a major focal point of the global development community. Despite this focus, more…

| EfD Discussion Paper |

Free technology distribution can be an effective development policy instrument if adoption is socially inefficient and hampered by affordability constraints. Yet, policy makers often oppose free…

| EfD Discussion Paper |