Displaying 1731 - 1740 of 3650 publications

We estimate the cumulative future emissions expected to be released by coal power plants that are currently under construction, announced, or planned. Even though coal consumption has recently…

| Peer Reviewed |

A number of studies suggest the risk preference of low income individuals can result in behaviour that create conditions of sub optimal investment and thus persistent poverty. In this paper, we carry…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

In 1991, Vietnam implemented a compulsory primary schooling reform that provides this study a natural experiment to estimate the causal effect of education on health care utilization with a regression…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

This paper finds that previous conclusions that a uniform lump-sum estate tax could provide annuity income were reached by not including the bequest income that households receive. We argue that since…

| Discussion Paper | India

Visual artists and graphic designers have rarely communicated with economists. Yet much of applied economics involves comparisons of states of the world that ought to be imagined. Through a simple…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

La cuantificación monetaria de las externalidades ambientales derivadas de la explotación de hidrocarburos no convencionales que utiliza la técnica de fracturación hidráulica o fracking muestra una…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia