Displaying 2581 - 2590 of 3669 publications

The authors use panel data from rural Ethiopia to investigate if participation in a safety net program enhances fertilizer adoption. Using a difference-in-difference estimator and inverse propensity…

| Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

The adoption of certain farm management practices, such as tree planting and soil and water conservation, can reduce exposure to weather shocks. However, in many countries the adoption of such risk…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) aims to slow carbon releases caused by forest disturbance by making payments conditional on forest quality over time. Like earlier policies…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Tanzania

The objective of this paper is to explore the determinants of additionality of CCT and PES schemes, defined as the programs’ capacity to deliver desired outcomes that would not have occurred in their…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America

This article develops a “real options” approach for planning new water resources infrastructure investments and their operating strategies in a world of climate change uncertainty. The approach is…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

This paper integrates soil science variables into an economic analysis of agricultural output among small-scale farmers in Kenya's highlands. The integration is valuable because farmers’ choice of…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Global Hub

We explain the spatial concentration of economic activity when the cost of environmental policy – which is increasing in the concentration of pollution – acts as a centrifugal force, while positive…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

A CO2 tax assures that different fossil fuels are taxed in a neutral way according to actual CO2 emissions. The Swedish experience can be summarized by increased tax levels over time and steps taken…

| Book Chapter | Sweden

Discounting has the dubious distinction of being the most controversial issue in social cost-benefit analysis. This is largely because choosing the discount rate will often dominate other choices a…

| Book Chapter | Sweden

Understanding the motivations behind people’s voluntary contributions to public goods is crucial for the broader issues of economic and social development. By using the experimental design of…

| Peer Reviewed |