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Displaying 131 - 140 of 241 publications

This is a chapter in the book entitled ' The Economy of Mainland Tanzania Into the 2000s: Productivity, Human Capital, and other Leading Issues'. This volume contains the main contributions to a…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ' The Economy of Mainland Tanzania Into the 2000s: Productivity, Human Capital, and other Leading Issues'. This volume contains the main contributions to a…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ' The Economy of Mainland Tanzania Into the 2000s: Productivity, Human Capital, and other Leading Issues'. This volume contains the main contributions to a…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ' The Economy of Mainland Tanzania Into the 2000s: Productivity, Human Capital, and other Leading Issues'. This volume contains the main contributions to a…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

This is a chapter in the book entitled ' The Economy of Mainland Tanzania Into the 2000s: Productivity, Human Capital, and other Leading Issues'. This volume contains the main contributions to a…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

The idea for this book first originated in 2012 when writing a paper for a workshop for the University of Dar es Salaam Mwalimu Nyerere Chair on Development. More recently, it has been driven by the…

| Books | Tanzania

With the ongoing changes in climate, household food insecurity is likely to be more widespread in most small-holder and subsistence farm households in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the existence and…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Tanzania

Tanzania has high rates of deforestation and forest degradation. Reducing deforestation and forest degradation is an important strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, asking…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

South Africa, a main food exporter in SADC, is characterised by a dual agricultural economy consisting of a well-developed commercial sector and smallholder, often subsistence, farming. Using the…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Tanzania

Small-scale farming of mud crabs (Scylla serrata) has been suggested as an alternative income for resource poor coastal communities in East Africa. However, it and it is unclear if the present culture…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania