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Displaying 91 - 100 of 252 publications

The polluting of marine ecosystems with plastics is both a global and a local problem with potentially severe consequences for wildlife, economic activity, and human health. It is a problem that…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, India, Chile, Vietnam, Sweden, Tanzania, Central America

This study revisits the embedding effect, a long-standing problem in the nonmarket valuation literature. The embedding effect was a popular research topic during the 1990s, especially following the…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

We explore the incorporation of latent variables (attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions) in the estimation of the value of a statistical life using a hybrid choice model framework. Latent variables…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Chile

In this paper, we estimate the Value of Statistical Life (VSL) for Chile, Colombia, and the United States using a hedonic wage model and a pseudo-panel approach. The VSL is a major component of…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Chile

Historically, transport infrastructure connecting the most agriculturally productive areas of Mozambique and the richer southern region has been poor. A primary bottleneck was an unreliable ferry…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Prior to 2009, there was no direct road connection between the southern regions of Mozambique—where the capital city is located—and the more agriculturally-productive central and northern regions. In…

| Discussion Paper | Chile

This paper empirically analyzes the determinants of fuel choices and intensity of fuelwood use for residential heating and cooking in central-southern Chile. By using information from a sample of 2761…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Lately, questionings have emerged on how public resources are managed. This work calculates the technical efficiency of municipalities in Chile, with special emphasis on the political factors that…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Share contracts are the dominant remuneration system in artisanal fisheries. Introducing regulations based on collective use rights may affect the way profits are distributed. The literature on the…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile