Displaying 2391 - 2400 of 3816 publications

In this paper, we analyze what drives farmers to disadopt green revolution technologies (inorganic fertilizer and improved seed) and whether the disadoption of green revolution technologies is related…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

Extant literature on Joint Forest Management (JFM) impact evaluation has concluded that it generally does not provide sufficient incentives to justify the costs that forest use restrictions impose on…

| EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa

This study used a sample of 336 households and community-level data from 30 communities around Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe to analyse the association between institutions and cooperation…

| EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa

This thesis consists of three self-contained chapters on issues related to spillover effects of behavioral and policy interventions aimed at reducing negative incentives provided by consumption and…

| Thesis PHD | Chile, Sweden

Se estudia la evolución de la actividad acuícola en Chile y el impacto de los cambios regulatorios sobre las decisiones de localización de los centros de cultivo. Este estudio considera un análisis…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

We use rich survey data to investigate the economic impact of a climate-friendly rice farming method known as the system of rice intensification (SRI) on the welfare of rain-dependent smallholder…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Tanzania, Global Hub

The leading policy to conserve forest is protected areas (PAs). Yet, PAs are not a single tool: land users and uses vary by PA type; and public PA strategies vary in the extent of each type and in the…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America and Mexico

An attempt to reconcile the effects of temperature on economic productivity at the micro and macro levels produces predictions of global economic losses due to climate change that are much higher than…

| Other Publications | Sweden

REDD + is one of the tools under development to mitigate climate change, but it is not yet clear how to appropriately bring in the approximately 25 per cent of developing country forests that are…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

We estimate the effects on deforestation that have resulted from policy interactions between parks and payments and between park buffers and payments in Costa Rica between 2000 and 2005. We show that…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America and Mexico