Displaying 1711 - 1720 of 3739 publications

This study evaluates the distribution of electricity subsidies to residential customers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2016 that results from the current increasing block tariff (IBT) structure. Customer…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America and Mexico

It is widely accepted that the firms included in an emissions trading scheme (ETS) come mostly from oligopolistic industries. The “exclusionary manipulation” of these heterogeneous emitters can…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Despite the importance of naturally available wild pollination ecosystem services in enhancing sub-Saharan African smallholder farms’ productivity, their values to actual farming systems remain…

| Report | Tanzania

A key strategy for adapting to changing water availability and rapid urbanization is a move towards full cost recovery tariffs for water and sanitation services. Because these services are…

| EfD Discussion Paper |

The Global Chemicals Outlook II – From Legacies to Innovative Solutions: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, mandated by the UN Environment Assembly in 2016, seeks to alert…

| Report | Sweden, Central America and Mexico

The incorporation of an agglomeration bonus payment to encourage spatial coordination in auction mechanisms to allocate payments for ecosystem services (PES) contracts has been explored as a promising…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This study combined farm household panel data, weather data and discount rates, as measured by a hypothetical survey question, to estimate the impact of income on discounting. This paper has found…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia, Global Hub

“Grandfathering” grants preferential treatment to existing resource users over new entrants based on prior use. Grandfathering is based on the concept of first-in-time or prior appropriation and has…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The individual farmer in a developing country has little incentive to care about the public good properties of on-farm biodiversity in the form of different crop varieties. There is a common…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

In recent years, the coal intensity of electricity generation and its change rate over time has varied significantly across coal-fired power plants in China. This paper decomposes the coal intensity…

| Peer Reviewed | China