Displaying 1 - 10 of 12 publications
Replication is an important “credibility control” mechanism for clarifying the reliability of published findings. However, replication is costly, and it is infeasible to replicate everything. Accurate…
| Peer Reviewed | Global Hub
The results of this research study serve as a cautionary piece of evidence for policy makers interested in reducing electricity consumption during peak hours, which can be potentially achieved with...
| Peer Reviewed | Central AmericaAbstract Using a spatially explicit framework with low/middle-income country coastal characteristics, we explore whether aspatial policies augment the impact of marine protected areas (MPAs) and…
| Peer Reviewed |Using a spatially explicit framework with low/middle-income country coastal characteristics, we explore whether aspatial policies augment the impact of marine protected areas(MPAs)and identify when…
| Peer Reviewed | Central AmericaAbstract The design of protected areas, whether marine or terrestrial, rarely considers how people respond to the imposition of no-take sites with complete or incomplete enforcement. Consequently…
| Peer Reviewed |The Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Targets include target goals of setting aside a percentage of marine areas as marine protected areas (MPAs). One purpose of marine protected areas is to…
| Research Brief | Central AmericaWith many countries seeking to increase the area conserved in marine protected areas (MPAs) to achieve the Convention on Biodiversity’s protected area targets by 2020, we employ a bioeconomic model to…
| EfD Discussion Paper | Central AmericaCosta Rica is considering expanding their marine protected areas (MPAs) to conserve marine resources. Due to the importance of households’ responses to an MPA in defining the MPA’s ecological and…
| Peer Reviewed | Central AmericaThe Economics and Environment for Development Program (EEfD) carry out a review of policy relevant documents and countries initiatives on environment and development topics in Central America. The…
| Policy Brief | Central AmericaClimate change impacts threaten the actual and future achievements to provide safe water in many parts of the world. Drought events are expected to be more intense and prolonged in different areas of…
| Research Brief | Central America