Displaying 11 - 16 of 16 publications

The efficient governance of information-production is analysed in the context of the bio-technology industry. Here primary R&D generates pure abstract information on the nature of biological solution…

| Book Chapter | South Africa

In this book chapter, the authors argue that contrary to the general view shared among social science scientists until the eighties, resource wealth seems actually to impede the economic performance…

| Book Chapter | South Africa

The paper shows that unstructured lending from international credit markets can create incentives to loot the country; and an enhanced likelihood of looting causes greater political instability, and…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

This chapter provides a case study of the use of choice modelling method in irrigation water supply policy and management in Portugal. This chapter provides a case study of the use of choice modelling…

| Books | South Africa

One of the most pressing problems faced by the Tunisian farmers and authorities is the inexorable decline of the water table over the past twenty years due to the over-exploitation of the groundwater…

| Books | South Africa

The efficient governance of information-production is analysed in the context of the bio-technology industry. Here primary R&D generates pure abstract information on the nature of biological solution…

| Books | South Africa