Displaying 3101 - 3110 of 3669 publications

This study measured the discount rates of 262 farm households in the Ethiopian highlands, using a time preference experiment with real payoffs. In general, the median discount rate was very high and…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

This paper examines the attitude towards relative position or status among rural households in Vietnam. On average, respondents show rather weak preferences for relative position. Possible…

| Peer Reviewed |

There is evidence that the Fast Track Land Reform Program created insecurity among its beneficiaries and adversely impacted investments in soil conservation. However, households in the study that…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden

This analysis of the fishers’ compliance with regulations in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, gives support to the traditional economics-of-crime model and shows that the extension of the basic deterrence…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, Tanzania

This study used the newly developed metafrontier approach to assess the technical efficiency of small-scale food production in the Ethiopian highlands at plot level, in order to investigate the role…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

The effects of stake size on cooperation and punishment are investigated using a public goods experiment. The effects of stake size on cooperation and punishment are investigated using a public goods…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

This paper describes an integrated modeling approach to combine a top-down, recursive CGE model with a bottom-up, electricity-sector model to simulate two categories of policies. This paper describes…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China

Satisfaction of communities living close to forests with forest management authorities is essential for ensuring continued support for conservation efforts. However, more often than not, community…

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

Objectives: To estimate household willingness to pay (WTP) for cholera vaccines in a rural area of Bangladesh, which had participated in a 1985 oral cholera vaccine trial. Methods: A contingent…

| Peer Reviewed |

This article presents a case study of development of a Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) program related to drinking water in the city of Copán Ruinas, Honduras. (Text in Spanish) The methodology…

| Other Publications | Central America