Displaying 321 - 330 of 408 publications

In two experiments on the choice of consumer goods, the estimated marginal willingness to pay for food is found to be lower in the survey version with cheap talk. Our test can be seen as a test of…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Individuals’ preferences for risk and inequality are measured through choices between imagined societies and lotteries. The median relative risk aversion, which is often seen to reflect social…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Many argue that it is socially inefficient to use distributional weights in cost-benefit analysis, and that doing so implies large inefficiency losses, when distributional matters can be dealt with…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This paper employs a choice experiment to obtain consumer preferences and willingness to pay for food product quality attributes currently not available in Sweden. Data were obtained from a large mail…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

We find, using survey-experimental methods, that most individuals are concerned with both relative income and relative consumption of particular goods. The degree of concern varies in the expected…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America, Sweden

We investigate the effectiveness of different smoking policies on smokers’ expectations to quit smoking using a choice experiment on a sample of smokers identified within the World Health Organization…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

Global environmental problems are often assumed to imply extensive inefficiencies since there is no global authority corresponding to the government at a national level. This paper shows, on the…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The economic benefits many African countries derive from international wildlife tourism are very few, especially when viewed from existing potentials in terms of resources and uniqueness. African…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This paper is an application of the contingent valuation method on community plantations in the highlands of Ethiopia. A discrete-continuous elicitation format was applied. It was found that there is…

| Discussion Paper | Sweden, Ethiopia, Global Hub

Eishers are risk-averse according to most empirical studies, while expected-utility theory predicts risk neutrality even for sizable stakes. We test this prediction using data from a stated-choice…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden