Displaying 211 - 220 of 408 publications

A review by the CO2Scorecard Group has revealed substantial discrepancies between the top publicly available global databases of CO2 emissions. Differing methodologies and the use of back-end data…

| Policy Brief | Sweden

Hypothetical bias is one of the main issues bedeviling the field of nonmarket valuation. The general criticism is that survey responses reflect how people would like to behave, rather than how they…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China, Sweden

This paper analyzes the effects of the interaction between technology adoption and incomplete enforcement on the extent of violations and the rate of abatement technology adoption. We focus on price…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America, Sweden

Fuel taxes are one of the most powerful climate policies. Yet, these taxes have not been given very much attention in the global debate regarding climate policy, compared with other instruments, such…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The idea of personal carbon allowances (PCAs) was presented by the UK Environment Secretary, David Miliband, in 2006. Although no nation state is seriously developing proposals for them, they have…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

This study undertakes a decomposition analysis to identify the drivers of carbon emissions change in the Swedish business and industry sectors 1993 - 2006. On aggregate, energy intensity decreased…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

The authors surveyed firms participating in emissions trading programs in Santiago, Chile, to explore further whether tradable permits are appropriate for transition and developing economies. Their…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America, Sweden

Santiago was one of the first cities outside the OECD to implement a tradable permit program to control air pollution. This paper looks closely at the program’s performance over the past 10 years…

| Peer Reviewed | Central America, Sweden

Although in-situ conservation is increasingly considered an efficient way of conserving plant genetic resources, little is known about the incentives and constraints that govern conservation decisions…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden