Displaying 91 - 100 of 338 publications

This is a chapter in a book entitled “ Bioenergies in East Africa between challenges and opportunities” Edited by Marco Setti, Daria Zizzola 2016. The issues of high costs, rapid depletion of fossil…

| Book Chapter | Ethiopia

This is a chapter in a book entitled “ Bioenergies in East Africa between challenges and opportunities” Edited by Marco Setti, Daria Zizzola, 2016. This paper analyzes the economics of biodiesel…

| Book Chapter | Ethiopia, Global Hub

This paper uses three rounds of a rich panel data set to investigate the determinants of household cooking fuel choice and energy transition in urban Ethiopia. It is observed that the expected energy…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Ethiopia, Global Hub

Risk aversion has generally been found to decrease in income. This may lead one to expect that people in poor countries will be more risk averse than inhabitants of rich countries. Recent comparative…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Ethiopia

This paper tests the effect of stake size on ambiguity attitudes. Compared to a baseline condition, the paper find subjects to be more ambiguity seeking for small probability gains and large…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden, Ethiopia

There is a paucity of information on the conditions under which multiple climate-smart practices are adopted and on the synergies among such practices in increasing household resilience by improving…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, Ethiopia, Global Hub

This paper analyzes vulnerability to climate change of the farming sector in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia across different agro-ecological zones. We construct composite vulnerability indices, which…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

We investigate the effect of remittances from migrated family members on informal inter-household transfers, an issue that has received limited attention in the literature. Using rich panel data from…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

The United Nations Programme to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) is a plan to mitigate climate change by making payments to developing countries that conserve forests…

| Research Brief | Ethiopia

Climate change has become one of the most important development challenges worldwide. It affects various sectors, with agriculture the most vulnerable. In Ethiopia, climate change impacts are…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia