Displaying 21 - 30 of 65 publications

By Moritz A. Drupp, Frikk Nesje and Robert C. Schmidt.

| Other Publications |

Renewables are cheaper than coal power in India.
New research shows that this is true even after accounting for the intermittency of renewables due to the high pollution from coal that causes disease...

| Peer Reviewed | India

Wasting in children under-five is a form of acute malnutrition, a predictor of under-five child mortality and of increased risk of future episodes of stunting and/or wasting. In India, national…

| Peer Reviewed | India

The chapter by Shoibal Chakravarty and E. Somonathan focuses on coal, which accounts for a whopping 64% of India’s CO2 emissions in 2021. Since coal combustion also releases other deadly pollutants…

| Book Chapter | India

The climate targets agreed upon in the Paris Agreement will eventually need to be backed by ambitious climate policies. Putting a price on carbon and abolishing subsidies on fossil fuels is usually…

| Peer Reviewed |

Abstract Understanding who would be affected in which way by carbon pricing is pivotal for effective and socially equitable policy design, addressing climate change, and reducing inequality. This…

| Peer Reviewed |

Study in semi-arid areas in India shows improved nutritional intake in households with working women

| Peer Reviewed | India

Hotter years have been routinely linked with reduced economic output in developing countries. New research shows that one reason is that people are less productive at work and more likely to be absent...

| Peer Reviewed | India

We compare the effects of price and quantity instruments (an emissions tax and a quota with tradable permits) on the incentive to innovate to reduce the cost of an emission-free technology. We assume…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Abstract This paper examines the impact of climate shocks, measured as temperature and precipitation variability, on real monthly per capita consumption expenditure of Indian households over the 1988…

| Peer Reviewed | India