Displaying 71 - 80 of 327 publications

Energy has been called the “golden thread” that connects economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability, but important knowledge gaps exist on the impacts of low- and middle-income…

| Peer Reviewed | China, Chile, Sweden, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Central America, Global Hub

Abstract This paper examines the impact of carbon emissions trading schemes (ETS) on technical change proxied by the number of green patents in the context of the pilot ETS in China. I find a small…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China

Developing the abundant shale gas in China is a potential means to address the country’s challenges in air pollution and carbon emissions. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the production…

| Peer Reviewed | China

A common policy response to severe air pollution and traffic congestion in developing-country megacities is to ban the driving of vehicles with license plates ending in certain numbers on certain days…

| Peer Reviewed | China

The water purification functions of forests represent one of the most frequently invoked examples of non-market ecosystem services that are economically valuable. Yet, there has been a paucity of…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China

Renewable energy sources such as solar are an alternative to provide clean lighting for many rural households in developing countries. However, transition to these lighting sources has been slow…

| EfD Discussion Paper | China, Chile, Ethiopia

Earlier studies that evaluated the impact of vehicular emissions on urban air quality often reached mixed conclusions, providing little guidance to city planners seeking solutions to the ever-growing…

| Peer Reviewed | China

Based on methods developed by Bollerslev et al. (2016), we explicitly accounted for the heteroskedasticity in the measurement errors and for the high volatility of Chinese stock prices; we proposed a…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This paper estimates the effect of environmental regulation on firm productivity using a spatial regression discontinuity design implicit in China’s water quality monitoring system. Because water…

| Peer Reviewed | China

This paper examines ethnic differences in fuelwood consumption in rural households, using an original survey dataset from two western Chinese provinces with large ethnic minority populations. We use a…

| Peer Reviewed | China