Financing a sustainable ocean economy

Submitted by Vicentia Quartey on
EfD Authors:

AbstractThe ocean, which regulates climate and supports vital ecosystem services, is crucial to our Earth system and livelihoods. Yet, it is threatened by anthropogenic pressures and climate change. A healthy ocean that supports a sustainable ocean economy requires adequate financing vehicles that generate, invest, align, and account for financial capital to achieve sustained ocean health and governance.

Conservation, Fisheries

The SETI 2021 Virtual Workshop

The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative June 17 - 19, 2021. 09:00 am - 12:40 pm Eastern Time Hosted by NENRE-EfD Chile at the University of Concepción and Duke…

Date: Thursday 17 June — Saturday 19 June, 2021
Location: On-line

Decentralized Forest Management: Experimental and Quasi-experimental Evidence

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Developing country forests sustain livelihoods, help to control flooding, recharge aquifers, pollinate crops, cycle nutrients, harbor biodiversity, and sequester carbon. As a result, forest loss and degradation have serious environmental and socioeconomic consequences. Decentralization and devolution of governance have arguably been the most important policy trend affecting developing countries’ forests over the past three decades.


The value of forest water purification ecosystem services in Costa Rica

Submitted by Petra Hansson on


•  Avoiding 1% of catchment's forest loss reduces chemicals use by 0.026% in Costa Rica.

• Improving the turbidity by 1% decreases 0.005% aluminum sulfate needed at the water plants.

• The value of water purification service by forests is USD 9.5 per hectare per year.

• The contribution of forest (per ha) becomes larger as the size of the catchment decreases.

Biodiversity, Forestry, Water