The role of business and cross-sector collaboration in addressing the ‘wicked problem’of food insecurity

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There is growing interest in the potential for business to make proactive contributions to food security, particularly as part of some form of cross-sector collaboration. Such collaboration can improve value chain efficiency and may also begin to address some of the ‘wicked problem’ characteristics of food insecurity.


Agricultural Development and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Building a Case for more Public Support-The Case of Ethiopia

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Today, almost 33 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), or close to 200 million people, is undernourished, of which close to 60 percent are in countries affected by conflicts.

Agriculture, Policy Design

Soil Conservation and Small Scale Food Production in Highland Ethiopia: A Stochastic Metafrontier Approach

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EfD Authors:

This is a chapter in a book entitled "Agricultural Investment and Productivity: Building Sustainability in East Africa" edited by Gunnar Köhlin and Randall Bluffstone, 2011.

This chapter aims to contribute to the literature on soil and water conservation (SWC) by decomposing productivity into technology and technical efficiency (TE) effects. A firm is said to be technically inefficient if it produces less output from a given input bundle than the maximum output that can be attained from the input bundle at the current level of technology.

Agriculture, Experiments