Who Should Pay the Administrative Costs of an ITQ Fishery

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Implementation and management of an ITQ fishery involves significant and costly administrative activities. These activities include formulating and implementing policy rules, monitoring and enforcement to deter illegal behavior, and economic and marine research. In this article we construct a model of a competitive ITQ system to analyze how the distribution of administrative costs between the public and a fishing industry can affect the equilibrium in the quota market, including equilibrium level of administrative costs, and derive results about the optimal distribution of these costs.

University of Concepcion
Research Nucleus on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (NENRE)

Welfare and Economic Evaluation of Climatic Change Impacts on Water Resources at River Basin Scale

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

The general objective is to estimate, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the economic and social impact of changes in water availability due to climate change. This objective involves quantifying the relationship between changes in water availability due to climate change, and population growth, land use changes, carbon sequestration and other social and environmental stressors that affect the quality of life of people relaying on water provision in a geographical region.

Climate Change, Water