Perspectivas futuras sobre el co-manejo como alternativa para el uso y la protección de las tortugas en Ostional

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A pesar del relativo éxito del modelo de co-manejo que existe en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Ostional, los cambios externos repentinos y sin precedentes en el entorno local plantean serias interrogantes a la permanencia de este modelo de gestión para el uso y la protección de tortugas.

Conservation, Policy Design

What makes them follow the rules: the case of Ostional turtle egg harvesters

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Understanding the reasons why some people are more prone to break the rules than others reveal some of the challenges that local people and policy makers must overcome in order to let local institutions endure.

Conservation, Policy Design

What Drives Voluntary Eco-Certification in Mexico?

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Advocates claim that voluntary programs can help shore up poorly performing command-and-control environmental regulation in developing countries. Although literature on this issue is quite thin, research on voluntary environmental programs in industrialized countries suggests that they are sometimes ineffective because they mainly attract relatively clean plants free-riding on prior pollution control investments.

Policy Design