Governance, Location and Avoided Deforestation from Protected Areas: Greater Restrictions Can Have Lower Impact, Due to Differences in Location

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For Acre, in the Brazilian Amazon, we find that protection types with differences in governance, including different constraints on local economic development, also differ in their locations. Taking this into account, we estimate the deforestation impacts of these protection types that feature different levels of restrictions. To avoid bias, we compare these protected locations with unprotected locations that are similar in their characteristics relevant for deforestation.

Climate Change, Conservation, Forestry, Policy Design

What makes them follow the rules? Empirical evidence from turtle egg harvesters in Costa Rica

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Empirical analysis of the factors that determine individual compliance with a locally devised set of rules for harvesting and selling marine turtle eggs, as well as for protecting the turtles and their hatchlings. Rules violators receive a monetary penalty, which implies a reduction in the income from sale of eggs. While some individuals do not have income reductions due to infractions, others have reductions of up to 40% of the total income.

Conservation, Fisheries, Policy Design

Does Tourism Eco-Certification Pay? Costa Rica's Blue Flag Program

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Eco-certification can generate private benefits for tourism operators in developing countries and therefore has the potential to improve their environmental performance.

Forestry, Policy Design
EfD Central America

EfD Central America Report 2011/12

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This report presents EfD Central America, its members and work during 2011/12. For a free hardcopy, please send an email to:

The Central American node of the Environment for Development initiative is based at:


7170, Turrialba 30501, Cartago, Costa Rica

Coordinator: Dr Francisco Alpízar


Tel: +506 2558 2624