Development of the South African Water Resource Classification System (WRCS): a tool towards the sustainable, equitable and efficient use of water resources

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EfD Authors:

This paper describes the development and rationale of a holistic and transparent approach for evaluating the ecological, social and economic trade-offs in water allocation in order to set the ecological Reserve (freshwater allocation) to aquatic ecosystems.


A study on sustainable exploitation of marine finfish resources in Tanzania, Case study of Mafia

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EfD Authors:

Mafia island and Tanzania fishery ground is rich in variety of vertebrates and fish stock. Because of diversity and variety of these marine resources it is experiencing an increase in fishing effort particularly fishermen, fishing vessel and various fishing gear. This resulted from increase in indigenous and migrant’s fishermen and forces raise complexity in management.


Consequences of Subpopulation Structure on Fisheries Management: Cod (Gadus morhua) in the Kattegat and Öresund (North Sea)

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This study shows how cod subpopulations may have been eradicated as a consequence of the use of imperfect models for assessing stock assessment, depleting what was formerly a productive sea. The Kattegat and resund (North Sea) were chosen as study objects due to the combination of different exploitation patterns and the possible existence of separate stock units. The scenario was further elaborated by simulating the potential harvest of fishing for different long-run levels of fishing effort as well as stock size.

Fisheries, Policy Design

Regulatory Compliance in Lake Victoria Fisheries

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This analysis of the fishers’ compliance with regulations in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, gives support to the traditional economics-of-crime model and shows that the extension of the basic deterrence model can lead to a richer model with substantially higher explanatory power.



The Effect of Temporal Closures and Individual Quotas on Fishing Trip Duration: A Hazard Function Analysis

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

In this article, we assess the effect that two different fishery management regimes have on the duration of the fishing trip. A basic theoretical model predicts that trip duration should increase with temporal closures and decrease with an individual quota system. Therefore, we propose and apply an empirical trip duration model.


Resource Rents and Management Regimes: The Case of the Western Channel Sole Fishery

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Understanding the economic and biological status of a fishery resource is critical to designing efficient management policies. In one such attempt, this article assesses current and potential rents in the sole fishery in the English Channel. The sole fishery is found to experience rent dissipation due to significant disinvestment in the stock and substantial fleet overcapacity. The analysis also investigates alternative paths of attaining the optimal stock level.

Conservation, Fisheries

What factors affect the decision making process when setting TACs? The case of Chilean fisheries

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Although failures and successes in fisheries management are related to decision making processes, these are rarely analyzed in detail and even less often following quantitative or semi-quantitative approaches. Herein, we study the decision making process for Chile's most important fisheries using a binary decision model. This model evaluates the probability that an annual total allowable catch (TAC) will or will not be modified by the National Fisheries Council (NFC) based on biological, economic, and social factors.


The impact of individual quotas on technical efficiency: Does quality matter?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We estimate the technical efficiency gains of introducing individual quotas (IQs) in fisheries. Our estimates are based on two samples of vessels, considering a potential self-selection bias and controlling for quality changes in landings induced by the IQ system. The results suggest that the introduction of IQs has an important positive impact on fleet efficiency, and that properly measuring this impact requires controlling for the self-selection bias and quality changes induced by the regulatory shift.
