A Revisit to the Annuity Role of Estate Tax

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

This paper finds that previous conclusions that a uniform lump-sum estate tax could provide annuity income were reached by not including the bequest income that households receive. We argue that since agents leave behind bequest, they should also receive bequest income from their parents. Moreover, the differential timing and sizes of bequest income will generate unequal wealth effects even with the actuarially fair annuity markets.

Policy Design

Social Security with Differential Mortality

Submitted by Vidisha Chowdhury on
EfD Authors:

This paper examines the welfare angle of Pay As You Go (PAYG) type social security under differential mortality among different income groups. Empirical evidence suggests that agents who have low income tend to start working earlier and have shorter longevity than those with middle or high income.

Policy Design

Decarbonizing the Industrial Sector: The Potential for Ambitious EU Member States to Use Flexible Performance Standards to Strengthen Carbon Price Signals

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In this policy brief, we offer an introduction to the family of policy instruments known as “flexible performance standards.” We describe and examine the attributes of performance standards that elevate them to be chosen in many jurisdictions, often as a precursor to carbon pricing, and we explain why flexibility improves their cost effectiveness and the potential they may have as complementary policies to strengthen carbon pricing to drive innovation, with a specific focus on the industrial sector.

Carbon Pricing, Climate Change, Policy Design

Laura Taylor

Laura Taylor, a mentor at the first WinEED workshop in Gothenburg, named as Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Fellow. Laura is a Professor and Chair of the School of…

| Policy Design