Does one size fit all? Heterogeneity in the valuation of community forestry programs

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Through the implementation of a choice experiment valuation exercise, this study set out to identify the set of community plantation attributes that impact the welfare of potential community forestry program participants. 


Forest-poverty nexus: Exploring the contribution of forests to rural livelihoods in Kenya

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EfD Authors:

This paper explores the contribution of forests to the livelihoods of local communities in Kenya. The paper uses survey data to explore resource extraction and the economic reliance of households on forests. The results suggest that both rich and poor households depend on forests, and that membership in forest user groups, and therefore participation in forest activities, may be based on a household's monetary rather than asset income. The results imply that forests support the living standards of the poor through the diversification of household income sources.


Does Tourism Eco-Certification Pay? Costa Rica's Blue Flag Program

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Eco-certification can generate private benefits for tourism operators in developing countries and therefore has the potential to improve their environmental performance.

Forestry, Policy Design

The Natural Forest Protection Program in China: A contingent valuation study in Heilongjiang province

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In 1998 the Chinese government implemented the Natural Forest Protection Program, NFPP, which included logging restrictions, protected areas, replanting, and a range of other policies aimed at safeguarding the state of the country’s forests and reducing the risk of erosion and flooding.


Sizing Protected Areas within a Landscape: The Roles of Villagers’ Reaction and the Ecological-Socioeconomic Setting

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Traditionally, siting and sizing decisions for parks and reserves reflected ecological characteristics but typically failed to consider ecological costs created from displaced resource collection, welfare costs on nearby rural people, and enforcement costs.


The trees and the bees: Using enforcement and income projects to protect forests and rural livelihoods through spatial joint production

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Forest managers in developing countries enforce extraction restrictions to limit forest degradation. In response, villagers may displace some of their extraction to other forests, which generates “leakage” of degradation.


Consecuencias imprevistas y efectos en el comportamiento de los mecanismos de selección de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales

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Cómo los incentivos de mercado afectan el comportamiento de los que no reciben el PSA? Con este estudio el Programa de Investigación en Desarrollo, Economía y Ambiente (IDEA) de CATIE se dio a la tarea de explorar esta pregunta en Costa Rica.

Agriculture, Experiments, Forestry, Policy Design

DE RIO A RIO+: Lecciones de 20 años de experiencia en servicios ambientales en Costa Rica

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Lecciones de 20 años de experiencia en servicios ambientales en Costa Rica

DE RIO A RIO+: Lecciones de 20 años de experiencia en servicios ambientales en Costa Rica

Forestry, Policy Design