Household fuelwood consumption in western rural China: ethnic minority families versus Han Chinese families

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on

This paper examines ethnic differences in fuelwood consumption in rural households, using an original survey dataset from two western Chinese provinces with large ethnic minority populations. We use a Heckman two-stage selection model to explain the quantity of fuelwood consumed conditional on a decision to use fuelwood. We find that ethnic minority families are more likely than majority Han Chinese families to use fuelwood.

Energy, Policy Design

The Effect of Development on the Climate Sensitivity of Electricity Demand in India

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

The climate sensitivity of electricity demand in India is likely to be highly sensitive to growth in income. Thus, both intensive and extensive adjustments in cooling and heating will play an important role in determining future climate change impacts on electricity demand.

Climate Change, Energy

Global warming and electricity demand in the rapidly growing city of Delhi: A semi-parametric variable coefficient approach

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

This paper estimates the climate sensitivity of electricity demand in Delhi using daily data on electricity demand and apparent temperature for the period 2000–09. The study adopts a semi-parametric variable coefficient model in order to investigate the impact of climatic factors on electricity demand. As evident from previous studies, electricity demand is a U-shaped function of temperature. We find the rising part of the temperature–electricity curve to become more pronounced over time implying an increase in cooling demand per unit increase in summer temperatures.

Climate Change, Energy

Cheap Oil, Climate Change Mitigation and India

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

The oil crash of 2014 is expected to have a moderate impact on the global economy with oil importers seeing a boost in growth. The long-term impacts on climate change are difficult to predict but it is very likely that these might even be beneficial to the process of decarbonising the global energy economy. Most countries, including India, could use the opportunity to reduce fossil fuel subsidies and invest in renewable energy instead.


Analyzing the “energy-efficiency gap”: An empirical analysis of air conditioners in the household sector of Delhi

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

Purpose - The key purpose of this paper is to quantify the size of the energy-efficiency gap (EEG) for air conditioners at the household level in Delhi. Most of the studies in the EEG tradition broadly define EEG as the difference between the actual and optimal level of energy efficiency. The optimal level of energy efficiency is defined at the societal level (that weigh social costs against social benefits) and the private level (that weigh private costs against private benefits).
