A review of water-forest-energy-food security nexus data and assessment of studies in East Africa

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
EfD Authors:

The increasing scarcity of environmental resources and competition among forest, water, food and energy coupled with the ever-growing population and climate change pose a serious threat to natural ecosystems. In an effort to provide an integrated approach towards forest conservation as well as energy, water and food security within the broader context of climate change and variability, this study sought to undertake a literature and data review to provide a critical analysis and synthesis of the baseline and trends of the forest- water-food- energy security nexus in East Africa.

Agriculture, Energy, Forestry, Water

Time-varying pricing may increase total electricity consumption: Evidence from Costa Rica

Submitted by Marianela Arguello on

We study the implementation of a time-varying pricing (TVP) program by a major electricity utility in Costa Rica. Because of particular features of the data, we use recently developed understanding of the two-way fixed effects differences-in-differences estimator along with event-study specifications to interpret our results. Similar to previous research, we find that the program reduces consumption during peak-hours. However, in contrast with previous research, we find that the program increases total consumption.

Energy, Policy Design, Urban

Cook stove technology adoption: Evidence from Kenya

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
EfD Authors:

Policies aimed at enhancing adoption of energy efficient, less polluting fuels, stoves and cooking practices need to be aligned to the realities of household multiple uses of fuels and stoves. In this paper we assess energy ladder model by using large nationwide survey data of 3665 Kenyan households collected in 2009. We show that the energy ladder is still sufficient to explain multiple fuel use and stove, and that the use of ‘fuel or stove staking’ metaphor was unnecessarily.

Photo by Josh Hild, Pexels

The use of nudges saves electricity

Traditional economics relies on increasing prices to effectively influence behavioral change. There are, however, a variety of psychological tools which can be equally effective in influencing changes…

| Energy | South Africa

The Power of Nudging: Using Feedback, Competition, and Responsibility Assignment to Save Electricity in a Non-residential Setting

Submitted by Michelle Blanc… on
EfD Authors:

Can behavioural interventions achieve energy savings in non-residential settings where users do not face the financial consequences of their behaviour? Our paper addresses this question by using high-frequency data, leveraging social comparison and responsibility assignment in a large provincial government office building with 24 floors, a total of 1008 occupants. Floors were divided into two treatments arms and a control group.

Energy, Policy Design