The informal sawn wood value chains in Uganda: structure and actors

Submitted by Jane Anyango on
EfD Authors:

With increasing scarcity and spatial dispersion of tree resources, Uganda's forest sector – similarly to several other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa – has experienced a shift from the large-scale concessionary model historically used to access and harvest forests, to more
versatile models involving smaller-scale operators. The timber they produce is sold not only locally in producer countries but also across borders and beyond. Yet small-scale operators largely work outside established regulatory frameworks and as such remain invisible to national and international

Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Fisheries, Forestry

Nature and extent of air pollution and climate change related stresses on cocoyam production in Nigeria

Submitted by Agha Inya on

There has been a dramatic decline in cocoyam production in Nigeria in recent years due to climate related stressors. We investigated the nature and extent of these impacts and the resilience building strategies used by cocoyam farmers in Nigeria. Data were collected from the farmers in 2010 and 2017 and from FAO statistical database. Results show a yield decline from 8mt/ha in 2005 to 4mt/ha in 2016, due to acid rain, causing bleaching of cocoyam leaves, die back, smaller tubers, early decay of the tubers and decline in the quality and taste of the tubers.

Agriculture, Climate Change

The role of climate adaptation readiness in economic growth and climate change relationship: An analysis of the output/income and productivity/institution channels

Submitted by Vicentia Quartey on
EfD Authors:

Although, climate change produces a wide range of effects, including output, institution, conflict, investment and etc., there is little knowledge on whether adapting to climate change could produce effects beyond the level of income to include other non-economic channels.

Climate Change

Carbon-dioxide emissions management in Sub-Saharan Africa–the irrelevance of natural resource rent as a corrective policy tool

Submitted by Vicentia Quartey on
EfD Authors:

This paper revisits the role of natural resource rent in explaining and regulating CO2 emissions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Three variants of CO2 emissions are considered: territorial CO2 emissions, consumption-based CO2 emissions, and CO2 emission intensity. Panel-corrected standard error and panel autoregressive distributed lag estimation methods were applied.

Climate Change