Household Energy Conservation in Kenya: Estimating the Drivers and Possible Savings

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This paper uses the National Energy Survey Data for Kenya 2009 to investigate the main determinants of household energy conservation and savings, exploiting discrete choice and Tobit models. It estimatea conservation models for five household fuels—fuel wood, charcoal, kerosene, LPG, and electricity—and generates information to predict not only the odds for household energy conservation but also the levels of possible savings.


EfD Kenya holds Research Day

EfD Kenya recently held it's 2015 Research Day on 26th February at Hillpark Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. EfD Kenya and KIPPRA presented the organisations' ongoing research in the water, extractive…

| Climate Change, Water | Kenya

Water studies in Kenya

In Kenya we are carrying out a series of water related projects. In one project we study the Nairobi Water Company that is considering a water tariff reform. Another study is on rural water source

| Water | Kenya

Call for Post-Doc Candidate at EfD Kenya

EfD Kenya is looking for a researcher to participate in a three year research project in ecosystem service accounting. The project is a collaboration with the Environment for Development Centers (EfD)…

| Kenya

Does Institutional Isolation Matter for Soil Conservation Decisions? Evidence From Kenya

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

This article investigates the role of institutional isolation on the adoption of soil conservation technologies in Kenya. The study is based on the theory of induced technical and institutional innovations and on the literature on land tenure security and investment incentives. A multinomial logit model for adoption of various soil conservation investments (SCI) is estimated.


Are there systematic gender differences in the adoption of sustainable agricultural intensification practices? Evidence from Kenya

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This paper uses sex-disaggregated survey data at the plot level to test whether there are systematic gender differences in the adoption of multiple sustainable intensification practices (SIPs) in Kenya.
