Valuing recreational ecosystem services in developing cities: The case of urban parks in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Submitted by Leonie Joubert on

Despite the growing body of evidence showing benefits and values of recreational ecosystem services, in sub-Saharan Africa, such evidence is extremely limited. This is problematic, and may perhaps explain their current poor condition. This study uses a random survey of households residing in Dar es Salaam to value the benefits of urban parks. The estimation is based on random utility framework where different models, with varying assumptions on preference and scale heterogeneity, are estimated.

Conservation, Urban

Assessing the Incorporation of Latent Variables in the Estimation of the Value of a Statistical Life 20-22

Submitted by César Salazar on

We explore the incorporation of latent variables (attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions) in the estimation of the value of a statistical life using a hybrid choice model framework. Latent

Policy Design, Urban

Assessing the Use of Pseudo-panels to Estimate the Value of Statistical Life in Developing Countries 20-20

Submitted by César Salazar on

In this paper, we estimate the Value of Statistical Life (VSL) for Chile, Colombia, and the United States using a hedonic wage model and a pseudo-panel approach. The VSL is a major component of costbenefit analysis of many policies including public health, transportation safety, and environmental regulation. Using pseudo-panels, also known as synthetic cohort data, to estimate the VSL is relevant for

Policy Design, Urban

The Effect of a Congestion Charge on Traffic: The Case of London 20-11

Submitted by Eugenia Leon on
EfD Authors:

Based on very detailed monitoring data, we examine the effectiveness of the City of London’s congestion charge on traffic. Through multiple Regression Discontinuity Design estimations, we found that the introduction of the congestion charge had an immediate effect and brought significant social welfare, but the effect was diminished as time went on, which explains the need for periodic charge rate adjustments. Moreover, when the charges expanded to new zones, there was a spillover effect to the old zones. At the same time, the charge also affected drivers’ choice of when to drive.


Infrastructure Improvements and Maize Market Integration: Bridging the Zambezi in Mozambique

Submitted by César Salazar on
EfD Authors:

Historically, transport infrastructure connecting the most agriculturally productive areas of Mozambique and the richer southern region has been poor. A primary bottleneck was an unreliable ferry service over the Zambezi river, addressed by construction of a road bridge in 2009. In this paper we identify the impact of this transport infrastructure enhancement on integration of national maize markets.

Agriculture, Urban

New Evidence from a Double Deflation Approach Manufacturing Slowdown in India

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on

The real value added in the Indian manufacturing sector for the period 2011–12 to 2016–17 is measured using the double defl ation approach. It is found that the official figures understate manufacturing real value added during the period 2011–12 to 2013–14, and overstate it thereafter, as well as miss an apparent manufacturing contraction that occurred in 2014–15. The results are corroborated by the movement of high frequency indicators that are correlated with manufacturing activity. 

Policy Design, Urban