Labor force participation of rural women and the household’s nutrition: Panel data evidence from SAT India

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

Addressing gender inequality in economic opportunities in developing countries has the potential to improve the household’s nutrition. This study by EfD researcher Nikita Sangwan and Shalander Kumar (ICRISAT) informs policies intended to improve food security and health outcomes of the need to enhance female labor force participation (FLFP).

Gender, Health

Perspectiva de género: una necesidad multidimensional

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on

Resumen. Las brechas estructurales y los estereotipos de género muestran y acrecientan la vulnerabilidad de las mujeres en Colombia. Su situación, tras el choque por la pandemia de Covid-19, es hoy aún más apremiante. Más que símbolos necesitamos acciones decididas para promover la inserción laboral de las mujeres en empleos de calidad con condiciones que den cuenta de la carga desproporcionada que asumen por las labores de cuidado.

Gender, Policy Design

A vibrant network re-united at the SETI 2022 Annual Workshop!

Over 20 researchers from all over the world presented findings about energy policies, infrastructure, energy use and distribution in countries of the Global South at the Sustainable Energy Transitions…

Inter-Industry Gender Wage Differentials in Kenya

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on
EfD Authors:

In developed countries, the gap between male and female pay has been reducing significantly due to legislation and regulation. However, globally, the gap is widening, and even where the gap is narrowing, it is unacceptably slow. Using the 2013 World Bank Skills Towards Employability and Productivity Survey (WBSTEPS), this study seeks to investigate inter-industry gender wage gaps in Kenya.
