Effects of trade openness on environmental quality: evidence from developing countries

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

This paper uses the Bayesian model averaging approach to investigate the effects of trade openness on environmental quality in 64 selected developing countries for the period of 2003–2017. We find no evidence of a statistically significant effect of trade openness on environmental pollution in our sampled developing countries; however, our results show weak support for the pollution haven hypothesis.

Climate Change, Policy Design

Promoting e-mobility in Uganda

Submitted by Petra Hansson on

Energy efficiency and reduced emissions are vital for Uganda's economic transformation. EfD researchers, in collaboration with civil servants participating in the Inclusive Green Economy Program (IGE), have assessed the current state of e-mobility, awareness, and perceptions about the dangers of using fossil fuel-powered engines and the benefits and challenges associated with e-mobility systems.

Air Quality, Climate Change, Policy Design

Technological Catch-Up, Innovation, and Productivity Analysis of National Innovation Systems in Developing Countries in Africa 2010–2018

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on

This study investigates the levels and determinants of regional innovation catch-up, frontier shift, and productivity growth of African national innovation systems from 2010 to 2018. The study relied on the World Development Indicators data for 28 African countries. Non-radial non-oriented Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and bootstrapped truncated regression were the central estimation methodologies. The results revealed that 18% of Africa’s national innovation systems had experienced progress in the catch-up and frontier shift indexes.

Policy Design

Gendered demand for environmental health technologies: Evidence of complementarities from stove auctions in India

Submitted by Belén Pulgar on

We study if prior exposure to one environmental health technology – improved sanitation – complements or substitutes for additional household investments in another such technology — an electric induction cookstove. We conducted a cookstove demand revealing auction ten years after a random half of our sample had been exposed to an intensive sanitation promotion campaign in rural India.

Gender, Health