Costs of Osteoporosis Related Fractures in Hospital Admitted Patients, Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia: A Retrospective Study

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Background: Osteoporotic fractures are among the non-communicable diseases imposing a growing morbidity and economic burden upon developing countries which have limited resources. Despite several studies from other countries, in Ethiopia sufficient information regarding the cost of illness related to osteoporotic fractures is not available.

Objective: The aim of the study was to estimate the direct and indirect costs attributable to osteoporotic fractures from a patient perspective


The Impact of Food Price Inflation on Subjective Well-being: Evidence From Urban Ethiopia

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The world has experienced dramatic food price inflation in recent years, which sparked social unrest and riots in various developing countries. In this paper, we use a novel approach to measure the impact of food price inflation on subjective well-being of urban households in Ethiopia, a country which exhibited one of the highest rates of food price inflation during 2007–2008.

Policy Design, Urban

Do Safety Nets Promote Technology Adoption? Panel data evidence from rural Ethiopia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The authors use panel data from rural Ethiopia to investigate if participation in a safety net program enhances fertilizer adoption. Using a difference-in-difference estimator and inverse propensity score weighting they find that participation in Ethiopia’s food-for-work program increased fertilizer adoption.


Are some lives more valuable? An ethical preferences approach

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A theoretical model of the ethical preferences of individuals is tested by conducting a choice experiment on safety-enhancing road investments.

The relative value of a saved life is found to decrease with age, such that the present value of a saved year of life is almost independent of age at a pure rate of time preference of a few percent, and a saved car driver is valued 17-31% lower than a pedestrian of the same age. Moreover, individuals’ ethical preferences seem to be fairly homogenous.


Designing Contingent Valuation Scenarios for Environmental Health: the Case of Childhood Asthma

Submitted by NENRE Concepcion on

Objectives: We use a contingent valuation (CV) study of childhood asthma to discuss a central issue in designing CV studies of chronic illness—the need for a detailed, realistic scenario that minimizes confounding factors—and show how to address this issue. We apply our methodology to estimate households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for reductions in asthma morbidity.


Magnitude and Pattern of Osteoporotic Fractures among Adults in Tigrai, Ethiopia: A Retrospective Hospital Based

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Osteoporotic fractures are devastating public health problems due to significant morbidity, mortality, and the socioeconomic burden. In Ethiopia, the weight of such fractures is often underestimated due to lack of epidemiological data. The objective of this study was to assess the magnitude and pattern of osteoporotic fractures among adults admitted to zonal hospitals in Tigrai, North Ethiopia.


Regulation of a Spatial Externality: Refuges versus Tax for managing pest Resistance.

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We examine regulations for managing pest resistance to pesticide varieties in a temporally and spatially explicit framework. We compare the performance of the EPA’s mandatory refuges and a tax (or subsidy) on the pesticide variety under several biological assumptions on pest mobility and the heterogeneity of farmers’ pest vulnerability.

Policy Design