Fuelwood, forests and community management - Evidence from household studies

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This paper reviews the state of economic understanding about fuelwood in developing countries. It synthesizes the main results from numerous empirical studies with the intent of identifying implications for policy and pointing out where important questions remain unanswered.

Energy, Forestry

Preferences for domestic fuel: Analysis with socio-economic factors and rankings in Kolkata, India

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The choice of domestic fuel is a matter of great concern for households and policy makers in India. This paper investigates the demand for domestic fuels when households face four choices: Fuelwood, Coal, Kerosene and LPG.


Forestry, Policy Design

Woodfuels, Livelihoods, and Policy Interventions: Changing Perspectives

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In the 1970s, it appeared that fuelwood use was growing rapidly, and this could have major adverse impacts on the resource and poor users. By the mid-1980s, revised assessments indicated that there was less of a problem than had been foreseen, and much less of a need for forestry interventions to maintain supplies.


Fuelwood Revisited: What Has Changed in the Last Decade?

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The impact of woodfuel collection on forests has been controversial and its role in rural livelihoods and deforestation is the subject of considerable debate. This study reviews the main dimensions of this discourse and the resulting responses form the forestry sector.


Energy use in the Namibian economy from 1995 to 1998

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EfD Authors:

As part of a natural resource accounting project being undertaken in Namibia, energy accounts have been compiled and are used to analyse energy use by different economic sectors. Households account for most energy use, especially of traditional fuels, and many households continue to rely on Ž rewood even when they have access to electricity.
