Risk Preferences and Technology Adoption: Case Studies from Ethiopian Highlands

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This is a chapter in a book entitled "Agricultural Investment and Productivity: Building Sustainability in East Africa" edited by Gunnar Köhlin and Randall Bluffstone, 2011.



Where does investment on Sustainable Land Management Technology Work? Empirical Evidence from the Ethiopian Highlands

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EfD Authors:

This is a chapter in a book entitled "Agricultural Investment and Productivity: Building Sustainability in East Africa" edited by Gunnar Köhlin and Randall Bluffstone, 2011.

Adoption and success of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) technologies have been limited, with a  common explanation being that SLM investments may not be profitable for average farmers. Analyzing returns of too often very costly SLM investments is therefore of primary importance.


Urban Energy Transition and Technology Adoption: The Case of Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia

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Dependency of urban Ethiopian households on rural areas for about 85 percent of their fuel needs is a significant cause of deforestation and forest degradation, resulting in growing fuel scarcity and higher firewood prices.


Agriculture, Climate Change, Energy, Urban

On the interaction between imperfect compliance and technology adoption: taxes versus tradable emissions permits

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This paper analyzes the effects of the interaction between technology adoption and incomplete enforcement on the extent of violations and the rate of abatement technology adoption. We focus on price-based and quantity-based emission regulations. First, we show that in contrast to uniform taxes, under tradable emissions permits (TEPs), the fall in permit price produced by technology adoption reduces the benefits of violating the environmental regulation at the margin and leads firms to modify their compliance behavior.

Climate Change, Policy Design