Thomas Sterner visits Arizona State University
Thomas Sterner, Senior Research Fellow of EfD and Professor of Economics at Gothenburg University, visited Arizona State University in Phenix, Friday, Oct. 11 to give a public lecture on “Carbon Tax…
Thomas Sterner, Senior Research Fellow of EfD and Professor of Economics at Gothenburg University, visited Arizona State University in Phenix, Friday, Oct. 11 to give a public lecture on “Carbon Tax…
The 14th EADI General Conference of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes will be on Responsible Development in a Polycentric World: Inequality, Citizenship and the…
This is a PhD dissertation by Haileselassie Medhin and containing seven self-contained papers:
Press release from Gothenburg University, School of Business, Economics and Law. 2013-10-11 The Poor and Their Neighbors: Essays on Behavioral and Experimental Economics Poor people don't resent their…
This article analyses the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) performance of fisheries in Iceland, Norway and Sweden during the period 1973 to 2003. We measure TFP growth using real gross value added as output and capital input, labour input and a stock input index based on the major fish stocks. In developed neighbouring countries, we expect rapid diffusion of fishing technology innovations contributing to productivity convergence. In addition, innovations in the public regulation and the industrial organization may also have influenced productivity growth during the period.
The School of Business, Economics and Law at the Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg will offer PhD courses in Climate, Natural resources, Policy Instruments and Development Micro…
The type and combination of sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs) adopted have a significant effect on agricultural productivity and food security. This study develops a multinomial endogenous switching regression model of farmers' choice of combination of SAPs and impacts on maize income and agrochemicals and family labor use in rural Ethiopia.
In a brief interview with UNU-Wider Wisdom Akpalu, Associate Professor of Economics at SUNY-Farmingdale, NY, shares his view on the effectiveness of development knowledge aid and the impact of the
Several previous studies have demonstrated the importance of relative consumption comparisons for public policy. Yet, almost all of them have ignored the role of leisure for status comparisons. Inspired by Veblen (The theory of the leisure class. Macmillan, New York, 1899), this paper assumes that people care about their relative consumption and that leisure has a displaying role in making relative consumption more visible, based on a two-type model of optimal income taxation.
We use a natural field experiment to investigate the hypothesis that generosity is partly involuntary, by examining whether individuals tend to avoid opportunities to act generously.