Challenges to institutionalizing strategic environmental assessment: The case of Vietnam

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Building on new institutional theory, this paper develops an analytical framework for analyzing constraints to the institutionalization of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) at four different institutional levels.

Policy Design

GTAP 101 course - Call for application

Registration is now open for the 2015 GTAP 101 online course which will take place from January 26 – March 8, 2015. Applications due October 19, 2014. The objective of the GTAP 101 course is to engage…

Date: Monday 29 September — Monday 20 October, 2014
Location: Online Purdue University

Access to water as determinant of rental values: A housing hedonic analysis in Rwanda

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In this paper, we study the determinants of rental values in urban housing markets in Kigali, Rwanda.

In particular, we study the value of access to piped water; due to the high costs associated with installing new piped connections, renting a property with an existing connection is often the only way for low income households to access piped water. Our results indicate that extending the piped network to a new house will in many cases raise the rental value of the house enough to pay for the cost of installing the new connection in less than two years.


The value of the Swedish eel fishery

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Traditional sectors such as agriculture and fishing often receive special treatment from policymakers because such sectors are perceived to be associated with traditional cultural public good values. However, these values are often difficult to measure and few attempts have been made to do so.


Mission started – but far from accomplished

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
EfD Authors:

We live at a unique moment in history when rapid economic growth has finally lifted hundreds of millions out of deep poverty, not only in Asia and Latin America but increasingly in Africa (Sala-i-Martin and Pinkovskiy, 2010). Yet the impending damage of climate change could reverse this.

Climate Change